Vision & Mission
To be the best insurance company in Syria offering its customers excellent service, and maintain a privileged partnership with agents and brokers, reinsurers and pursue a high degree of professionalism in the conduct of insurance business
To provide quality and innovative products and services for our customers
We will work to develop new products continuously and at reasonable prices and improve existing ones to be more responsive to the needs of the public insurance.
We will always strive to provide the highest level of efficiency through better systems and procedures on an ongoing basis we have,
We will work to make our products and services available to target markets through our marketing system and maintain effective to deal with reinsurers to pursue the highest degree of professionalism in the conduct of insurance business.
To promote the welfare and development of our insurance brokers
We recognize the importance of the partnership with our agints which help in meeting the needs of our customers, we strive to develop their skills through the implementation of development programs, professional and provide all possible assistance to improve their productivity in order to provide an environment that would give workers a kind of equal opportunities and assist in professional growth and personal
With the constant concern to maintain the labor force is well trained and proud of the company and that show their loyalty to their work through the implementation of professional development programs, and provide competitive advantages, and the development of human resources policies that enhance the performance of employees.
To ensure a reasonable return to shareholders
Will constantly strive to maintain profitability through the continuous improvement of our resources and conduct our business with the highest ethical standards efficiently and impartially.
We will be proud of the exceptional efficiency, professionalism, attention to the great care of customers, and maintain high standards of business ethics.
Values that we live for and care about
Customer service
This is our core value, the desire to provide excellent service to our customers is at the heart of the ways in which we do business and customer satisfaction is what we are trying constantly to get it
Human Resources
We believe in our workforce and we are working on creating a work environment where people respect the rights and dignity of each others, which is inspired by the work as a team to achieve the objectives of the company
Can not be stable and reliable company as is the case in many of our contracts without the dedication to work, we strive for better performance, and improve the skills and abilities on a permanent basis in the light of the challenges that confront us constantly.
Is the establishment of our products and services and creating new ones constantly to keep up with rapidly changing requirements of our customers and our goal of excellence in products and services at all times.
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